1. I am usually reading at least two books at a time.
2. I love fast food hamburgers and french fries.
3. I don't color my hair.
4. I hate shopping--particularly in shopping malls.
5. I am fine with my kids having a lot of toys that make loud noises. I don't even notice it.
6. I have been a Cub Scout den mother three seperate times, only once having a child in it.
7. I love mint chocolate chip ice cream.
8. I speak horrible Spanish.
9. I wish I were friends with Glen Beck.
10. As a child, I lived in Costa Rica.
11. I used to cross-stitch.
12. I prefer snowy, winter weather to hot summer weather.1
3. I love watching TV.
14. "A Room with a View" is my favorite movie.
15. "Age of Innocence" is my favorite book but beside that one, I am not a huge Edith Wharton fan.
16. I am still good friends with my roommate from my freshman year at BYU. (Hi Mandy).
17. If I had started younger, I would have more kids.
18. I had melanoma three years ago and now literally hide from the sun.
19. I drink way too much Diet Coke.
20. I once walked into Costa Vida and they started making my food before I even got to the line. The nice manager (Lily) and I had developed a great relationship since I had been eating there so often.
21. I can't fall asleep until I have looked back over the day and evaluated how I handled everything.
22. I have a best friend that I have known since 1st grade. We still talk on the phone daily. (Hi Diane).
23. I like having a December birthday.
24. On my dad's side of the family, I am the 3rd youngest grandchild.
25. I love being from Colorado but specifically from Boulder, CO. I don't like it when people lump Boulder in with Denver or claim they are from Boulder, when they are not.