Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Dropping Like Flies

Well, the stomach flu hit our house BIG time over New Year's eve. We offered to host the family party at our house and for various reasons, everyone turned us down except our in-laws. And thank goodness! We had just finished eating our big meal (see previous post) when toothsome #3 started throwing up. About an hour later (just after I had handed out the awards) toothsome #1 lost his cookies. My in-laws, sensing a trend, decided to leave and about a 1/2 hour later, I got hit. Fortunately, dentist husband and toothsomes 2 and 4 had already had this bug several days earlier. Their version was a much milder case, so it didn't even register in my mind that this could become an epidemic. Well, finally 48 hours later, we are ALL doing better. The upside to this is that I am so reminded how great it feels to be healthy. And, it is much better to be the nurse helping the sickos than be the sick one. Good things to remember. Oh, and the steak (before I threw it up) was one of the best marinades my husband has come up with. The balsamic vinegar made all of the difference.


love.boxes said...

Bummer. Hope you are all doing better soon!

Gabriela said...

Man. Sorry about that. I'm glad you're all doing better. :)