Monday, May 23, 2011

Nephew to the MTC

This past Wednesday, I was able to take my nephew to the MTC.  He is going to Romania.  Currently, I am having e-mail issues, so I am doing this blog post, so my sister can see these pictures.

Wednesday morning, sword fighting with Toothsome #4.

 Getting ready to leave.  I was 18 when he was born.
 Last meal at In-N-Out Burger
 My nephew with the MTC buildings behind him.
 Getting out of the car.
 Shaking hands with his "host" Elder.  (He was asking questions about if he had his immunization card, did he leave his keys and phone with his "mom",  etc.
 Getting his backpack out of the car.
 Saying goodbye.
 One last final wave.
It is always an emotional experience being part of these goodbyes--good emotional and it brings back so many mission memories.  


love.boxes said...

I know this isn't the point of the post, but I love your outfit :) Pretty!

Janice said...

Thanks Tiffany. The top, Shades (and about 5 years old.) The skirt, Hannah Andersson and the shoes, White House, Black Market.