Dentist Husband and I are the scout leaders for the 11 year olds in our ward. There is a tradition in this area that one of the camp outs in the backyard of the 11 year old scout leaders. So, this past weekend, we did it.
Here is most of the boys with Dentist husband at the start of it. Our first activity was an hour service project, picking up trash in the area.
Setting up the tent.
About 20 minutes into it, our neighbor brought this game over for the boys to play.
We had the boys cook their own steaks for dinner.
Afterwards, we had them light "pop can" fires. We went through two full boxes of matches.
Once it was dark, we played "Tron Soccer." I bought a glow stick soccer ball and about 200 glow sticks. The boys wore glow sticks on their wrists and shoes and we taped one vertically on the front of their shirt and one horizontally on their back. We had two teams, (blue and green) of four boys each. We set up a small soccer field, using red and orange glow sticks and used some cones, wrapped in red glow sticks as the goal markers. Honestly, this was incredibly fun and we played for over an hour.
Afterwards, the boys came back to our house for marshmallow roasting.
At 10:00 pm, it was lights out.
The boys slept. I didn't. I had a fear that one of the boys would wake up in the middle of the night, realize they were walking distance from their own house and walk home. So, any cough, rolling over, or noise I heard, I was up. (Dentist husband and Toothsome #1 slept outside the tent on a tarp. I was in the house, with the windows open, on the sofa.) Not one boy left the tent that night. Wish I would have known that beforehand. :)
Anyway, it was a great camp out. I have a feeling Tron Soccer is going to become an annual tradition.