Thursday, March 27, 2008

TV Weirdness

I love watching TV and so does my husband. I don't pretend that I do not. I would love to say that we were a "triathlon family" or an "art family" or a "sports family" meaning we put a ton of our time and resources into doing and encouraging those things but we are not. At the end of a long day of managing kids and working, Dentist husband and I like nothing more than collapsing on the sofa together and "vegging" in front of the TV. Because of this, we purposely decided to not get cable/dish because we waste enough time with rabbit ears and those limited stations.

Our latest TV discovery? THIS. It is one of the WEIRDEST shows on TV but I can't keep my eyes off of it when it comes on. Keep in mind, my husband does not speak Spanish and this show doesn't have subtitles. I spend a limited amount of time translating for him but doesn't really matter because it has enough weird eye candy to keep you interested. And, we are lame/pathetic/cool enough to actually now know most of the songs sung by Costel (who by the way is the son of Lagrimita--yes, I know this.)

I need to spend more time cleaning. I think we have reached a new low around this place.


love.boxes said...

.. and yet your parenting advice was just the thing. Thanks. :)

Queen Elizabeth said...

GOOD for you! I think admitting that you "like to watch tv" is like admitting that you take naps. Have you ever noticed that if people were awakened from a nap and the interrupter asks them if they were asleep, they RARELY admit it? WHAT'S WRONG WITH SLEEPING? What's wrong with watching TV (ok, no comment on watching shows in a lingo you no comprendes(?)? After entertaining everyone all day long, it's the best to BE entertained!!!

Michelle said...

I think we all have ways of regenerating and there is nothing wrong with the tv version. I will be glad when they get new shows back on!

Jane Anne said...

OK..I love the fact that you openly admit it. I find it quite refreshing. You make me smile!

Anonymous said...

I'm an avid TV watcher as well. Sometimes you just need to veg out and relax.

jo said...

...i love TV myself... but i've been TV-less for so long... i've forgotten why i like it.