Sunday, August 24, 2008

Newport Beach

My father-in-law sponsored a family reunion for his kids this year to Newport Beach, CA. We have been there two other times for a family reunion and it has become a family favorite. Everyone counts down the days until the next one (approx. every three years).
Family reunions with Dentist husband's family is no small feat. There are nine children and it is very hard to come up with a place that everyone enjoys with ages ranging from my father-in-law (age 67) to 15 months (the youngest grandchild).
My father in law very generously provides the housing (his time share and then some at the Newport Beach Marriott) and usually funds at least two big group activities. This year it was: Sea World
Medievil Times (great picture of me huh?)
On our own, we took the kids to Legoland with Dentist husband's older brother and family , who I will call Surgeon Urologist (since that is what he does for a living).
We also spent a ton of time at the beach. Dentist husband looks so handsome here.
Anyway, here is a picture of the whole group. Dentist husband's sister (Kel to those of you who peak over at her blog from my links) designs family reunion t-shirts every year. This year, it had a picture of a family ancestor known as JEJ. Please click on the picture to enlarge it so you can see what I normally look like. I'm holding the baby on the back row.
So, it was a wonderful, magical, amazing trip. Now I need to start counting down the days until the next one. Thanks Doc!


Michelle said...

Looks like fun! I love when a trip you look forward to is as much fun as you hoped!

Gabriela said...

How fun! My boys would give about anything to go to Legoland. That's so nice and generous of your inlaws to partially sponsor the trip.

We are going to Newport in a few weeks for Guapo's brother's wedding. I'm pretty excited.

Queen Elizabeth said...

Looks like you guys had a blast! Welcome home ;)

Jane Anne said...

The family photo is great. When I look at photos like this, I alwalys try and figure out who are the siblings and who are the in-laws...I can definately tell most of the brothers!!!