Monday, July 2, 2007

Hot and Tired

It is currently 100 degrees outside. I am tired and hot and there is no end in sight to this heat. I hate summer.
But on a more positive note, we had a great weekend spent up in Heber, UT. We ate at a fairly new Mexican restaurant that was REALLY good. (I don't remember the name. It started with a T and for those of you who know the area, it is where the Snelgroves used to be, between Heber and Midway.) Most everyone went boating and we saw the movie Ratatouille while up there. It was a fun quick weekend get away. On Sunday, two of Dentist husband's sisters, spouses and children came over for dinner and we had a fun evening of dinner, speed Scrabble and conversation.
Now today is Monday. Fun weekend is over and I am preparing for my week ahead. My sister (#4) is coming into town for a quick visit starting tomorrow. I hope she doesn't mind messy houses because I don't think I am going to get completely on top of everything before she comes. It won't be too bad, but no white glove experience will be had. Toothsome #1's birthday is later this week. It will actually be low key because his friend birthday party is later in the month. And, of course, the Fourth of July is upon us. It is one of my favorite holidays and I can't wait to enjoy a family barbecue and feel pride in my country. On Sunday, I got very teary as I sang the lines, "Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just and this be our motto, "In God is our trust. And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!" God bless America!


ash said...

Ahhh, a weekend up at Heber. That's what makes a summer.

Anonymous said...

my 2 year old has had at least 20 otter pops today!!!!!!!! this heat is killing me!