Wednesday, November 5, 2008

On a Lighter Note . . .

We are having a major snow storm today. It is days like these that I realize my Swedish heritage rules me because I love a good snow storm.

Anyway, on days like these, after the kids have had their fill playing in the snow, I am so grateful for having "office" supplies on hand for my kids.

For my oldest daughter's birthday a few years ago, I purchased every type of office supply I could think of and gave them to her. She had envelops in various sizes, paper clips, lots of different post it notes, pencils, pens, ink pads, folders, notepads, tape, etc. I can't tell you how great this has been for everyone. The kids spend hours playing office and have so much fun doing it. Recently, when my husband's office went paperless, we acquired these in every letter. Now, I find papers all over the house with kids names on them, or notes written in them. They have been great.

So, if you have a child with a birthday coming up, I can't recommend giving them their own office supplies enough. We have loved it.


Gabriela said...

That's a GREAT idea Janice! (just one of your many) :) My kids would love envelopes.

love.boxes said...

Fabulous idea!