Saturday, February 10, 2007

Live a Life of Meaning

There is a sad story in the news about a young family who was killed in a car accident--a needless one, caused by a teenage drunk driver. The family's father and two children survived while the pregnant mother and two other kids died.

Also in the news, sadly getting much more attention is the death of Anna Nicole Smith. An ex-Playboy bunny who lived a reckless, foolish life. I am so bugged that she would get attention in the news besides just a passing mention. There have been hour long shows dedicated to her this weekend. She was such a silly waste of frivolousness.

I also have been considering my own mortality this week because a year and 1/2 ago, I was diagnosed with melanoma. It was caught in it's earliest stages, but every six months I go in and the dermatologist looks everywhere I have skin, removes more moles and then call me approx. a week later with the results. So far, I have been blessed and in reality lucky, that no more melanomas have been found. I have one of the appointments at the end of this week. My skin has been analyzed so often (at first every three months by an oncologist) that I don't really panic too much, but I also acknowledge the 20% possibility of finding another melanoma.

Pointe? Life is so fragile it is scary and if I dwell on it too much, I can sink into a very scary place that I don't like go. So, instead, I just keep thinking, "Live a life of meaning! Raise good responsible children. Create good memories for those around you. Be a good wife. Be a caring mother. Focus outward--not inward. Don't be a waste of skin!

I remember my mother-in-law saying, "Thank God for every uneventful day." Amen!

1 comment:

Mumsy said...

What a scary thing for you to have gone through. I'm so glad you haven't had any more.

My mom told me about the accident you mentioned. My heart broke for that poor man.

I like that quote. It's good to remember and keep in mind.