Friday, May 16, 2008

The Quilt

Back when Toothsome #1 was still inside me Dentist husband had this great idea to take a Colorado state flag and make it into a bedspread for him. Dentist husband spent a ton of time looking all over the state of Colorado for just the right size, fabric and stitching for this project. Flag was purchased and when toothsome #1 was about two we had it made into a bedspread. It is very neat looking and we always get comments from people when they see it on his bed.
(Real pictures to come in another post). So, now, toothsome #3 shares a bedroom with toothsome #1 and so I decide to have another quilt made using the Utah state flag as the theme. The flag was purchased and then I had the hardest time finding someone who could make it into a quilt for me. I could not remember the name of the lady who did the Colorado one and after an exhaustive search of my paperwork, I finally went into a quilt store and got a list of of "machine quilters" and called around and found a very nice lady close to our house who could do it.
I brought the Colorado quilt so she could see what I wanted done. In the process of showing it to her, lo and behold, there was a tag sewn in the side of the quilt, with the name and phone number of the original lady I used! I am an idiot. But, I should say this new lady is very nice, closer to my house than the other and it appears as if she does great work. When the Utah quilt is done (in about 6 weeks), I'll post pictures.
On a side note, I'm planting tomatoes and flowers this afternoon. I so love doing it!


love.boxes said...

What an awesome and original idea!

Jane Anne said...

I'd love to see it when it's finished.

Gabriela said...

Yes, I want pictures. What a unique idea. :)