Monday, February 5, 2007

To All Who Have Nursery Age Children

If you are an LDS person, who have children between the ages of 18months and 3 years old, please DO NOT bring your sick child into Nursery. And if for some reason, you think your child is not sick enough to keep out of Nursery, please DO NOT argue with the Nursery leader when she brings your sick child back to you--even if you think your cause is justified. I know how hard it is to deal with an active child at church and yes, I am sure it has been a difficult week for you dealing with a sick and I am sure, clingy child. I too have children, four to be exact and while I might not look child wise (and I really don't claim to be any sort of true expert on the subject) to you, I do not want your sick child in Nursery. This is not a personal attack on you or your child--just an attack on their sickness. And, all of us (scientists and doctors included) are trying to prevent the spread of illness and your child with a runny nose or hacking cough or having had just thrown up in Nursery is spreading illness to others. It is awkward enough to bring them back to you, so please DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT argue with me in the hall and then later, complain to others about your shabby treatment by the Nursery leader. Thank you.


Mumsy said...

We've been boycotting nursery. Every single time we've taken Lilly--not sick, mind you--she starts to show signs of an illness around Tuesday or Wednesday. Then we go to the doctor--another two copays for both kids. And then we are up all night every night with coughing babies who have high fevers.

I wish we had a nursery leader like you. I had someone else in the nursery tell me that people in our ward have been bringing kids with FEVERS to nursery. FEVERS!

Good for you. Stick your ground. The other parents appreciate it. And I know that I'm always looking for an excuse to stay home from church with a sick kid.

Paige said...

Oh, the joys of nursery. Sadly, we now have no children in nursery, but we had a fun time being the CTR 6 teachers on Sunday for Jenna's class.