In preparation for a family picture, I have spent the last few mornings trying to figure out the best way to curl toothsome #4's hair.
Toothsome #4 is a crazy baby and spends most of her days hollering, "I do yit."
Here she is with hot rollers in her hair. (I learned quickly that she has no patience for sponge rollers and takes them out before they have done anything.) So, hot rollers it is.
After they were taken out by her after about 3 minutes--again, "I do yit"--this is the results. Trying to get her to hold still for a picture was near impossible.

Please bless the curls stay in long enough for our very expensive family photo session in a few weeks.

So cute Janice. I love the curls. I never can get Matties to stay in long. Let us know how it all worked out.
I hope your pictures go well. I can only imagine how much thought and work has gone into this. Crossing my fingers!
But she looks like such a princess! Use lots of goop in that cute hair!
First, A for effort for YOU! Second, A for the end result - gorgeous!!! Good luck!
i can't believe how long her hair is! it's so beautiful.
what a cutie. i love the last picture the most. she looks like she's got a crazy plan up her sleeve.
What a CUTE!
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