Friday, May 18, 2007

Care Packages

I love care packages. It was my freshman year in college when I learned the joy of care packages. My roommate's mom sent both of us one huge care package once a month. It was always themed (often with the holiday in that month) and after a long often frustrating day on campus there was no joy more fun than opening a box full of fun surprises.
I now like to compile "themed" items and just for fun send them away to nieces and nephews, friends, and neighbors. Recently, for a friend struggling through a miserable second trimester, I sent her flip-flops for her (to her frustration) already swollen feet, a fun pregnancy related novel (Yoga Mamas) and jolly ranchers (to get rid of the weird pregnancy taste one gets in their mouth.)

Above is a picture of my latest care package for a neighbor who just had a baby. 1. Water to keep in every room for the constantly thirsty nursing mom. 2. Book to read while nursing the baby. 3. Crayola Model Magic for her older kids to play with--much cleaner than Play-dough. 4. A package of onesie undershirts for the baby. 5. An Olive Garden gift certificate to use when everyone is begging to be fed and the mom has not even thought about dinner.
It brightened my day just compiling it and it seemed to brighten the day of my exhausted friend who is a now the mother of three kids.


love.boxes said...

What a great idea. I'd love to send one to my nieces!

Anonymous said...

so clever! very you!

Anonymous said...

That is oh-so sweet! What a nice friend you are.

Mumsy said...

So sweet! My friend sent me a similar package when I had Fritz. I loved it!