Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Laundry Folding

I'm always reworking my systems. It seems that once I finally get a good schedule figured out, my kids change and I have to come up with a new plan. So, here is my latest laundry folding plan, that thus far has been working really well.

Right after my kids get into bed, I start folding all of the laundry from the day. Their bedrooms are across the hall from my laundry room and they always start to talk to me. I "allow" them to get out of their beds and put their clothes away. They feel like they are getting away with something because they are out of bed after I have officially put them to bed and I get help with putting everything away. It has been a win/win situation.


love.boxes said...

Cute idea.

Gabriela said...

Nice. I've been doing something similar with Margarita lately; she'll get up and I'll let her stay up as long as she's helping me do something. She likes it, I like it and we have good conversations to boot!